Adoption Contract
and Liability Waiver
Before purchasing or making a deposit on any rat(s) from Once Upon a Mischief Rattery you will be asked to read and agree to our new Adoption Contract and Liability Waiver.
The current version will always be linked here on our website as well as linked from our facebook page.
Before accepting any deposits, I will email you the copy of the contract and waiver to digitally sign. You will not receive a paper copy but I will email you a digital copy for your records.
Why have a contract?
Sadly far too often people will have the excuse of "I didn't know". All of the information and terms are plainly outlined but they didn't read them, somehow missed them or did not fully understand and did not ask.
Having a contract means that both of us are on the same page. All of my terms and expectations are fully outlined and by signing you are saying you understand them and agree to them. No one can come back later and say "Oh I didn't know or wasn't told that" because you signed that you did. It also clears up any confusion on what I am expecting and my policies.
I also very much want my adopters to understand all of my polices and hopefully this helps!
You are not signing away your soul or anything! Just agreeing to take proper care of the rat(s) and provide them a safe healthy home.
Pet Only Contract
My rats are sold under a non-breeding pet only contract. When you purchase rats from me you agree to take all preventative measures to ensure they do not breed either on purpose or accidental.
If you are a breeder I have a different breeder contract. If you are wanting to breed and purchase my rats under a pet only contract, you are beginning your breeding practices on a very unethical and irresponsible note and I will have proof that you knowingly are that unethical. Don't be that type of breeder.
Health Guarantees
My goal is to have the very healthiest rats possible. If at any time I feel a rat is not the very best condition and health I would not sell it.
Why do we need documentation from a licensed vet?
I am acknowledging that I am not a vet nor is the buyer, likely to be. To protect both of us a licensed vet should give their professional opinion on the health issues of the rat. It also prevents a buyer from causing abuse or neglect and blaming it on a health issue. Or if someone just changes their mind and decides they no longer want the rats and try to lie for a refund. I will always take back rats but will not refund for buyers remorse.
Why does this not cover tumors or myco?
While there are genetic links to these issues, by far the cause is environmental. Both tumors and myco flairups are by far mostly caused by husbandry issues. Diet, weight, stress, care, cleanliness, etc...
I try my best to breed healthy and strong animals. I want them to be able to fight off illness or never get it to begin with. Animals with beautiful temperament that are less likely to be stressed. Babies coming from strong healthy moms and are weaned naturally so they get a good strong start at life.
I feed my rats a healthy balanced diet and keep them at healthy weights.
I am careful to prevent environmental issues by limiting things like air irritants and provide clean cages.
I would not breed a sick rat. I would never breed a rat with a history of tumors or URIs.
Why only 48 hour guarantee?
Within 48 hours any symptoms should be very well noticeable. Once the rat has left my care so many factors could influence the rats health. Improper care or improper quarantine could occur.
Why have a Liability Waiver?
Under the law I am already protected from liability as long as I am not purposefully selling sick animals, and doing everything in my power to ensure they are healthy and free of issues.
Yet after this very scary Seoul outbreak I feel it is only responsible to make 100% sure every owner knows the risks.
You have to be aware that owning any pet can come with major health risks. These are usually very rare and nothing to worry about but they do exist. And as I said this is with any pet, rats are no more at risk then a cat or dog.
I have had my rattery tested and do all preventative measures I can to ensure their health and safety but the very nature of these viruses means no one can be 100% sure.
I have information on Seoul and me testing HERE.
What if you do not agree?
Everyone must agree with my terms before purchasing any animal from me.
I am always open to discussion though! I always am willing to have a discussion with someone. I want everyone to feel happy with the adoption process from us.
Everything in my contract is pretty common among rat breeders.
If you have any questions or concerns, simply ask! email me or send me a facebook message and I can explain the reason behind something or make it more clear, etc.... I won't bite I promise :)
I'd like to thank Ohana Rattery for sharing the outline of the Liability Waiver to use!
Contact me for a copy of the breeder contract! I am always open and willing to work with other breeders as long as they share my ethics and are responsible knowledgeable breeders.
All breeders are free to copy/use the outline of my contract but I would ask that you let me know and give me credit
Liability Waiver
It is important to understand that your pet rat can be a vector for diseases. Your rat may or may not show symptoms of these diseases but can still transfer them to you. Many of these diseases do not affect a healthy human adult but for those with immuno-compromised systems, including but not limited to: children under 5, pregnant woman, the elderly, those on immune-suppressant drugs, or with viral infections, rats may need to be reconsidered as pets.
This is true of all pets. Taking on any pet, even cats or dogs can pose health risks. Always be smart and if there is an animal bite or scratch from any pet seek medical advice, even more so if someone is a child, pregnant, elderly or have a lower immune system.
I, the breeder, Aimee Sek (Once Upon a Mischief Rattery) , am fully informing, you, the adopter, on this date of the risks of owning pet rats, and you, the adopter hereby, accept the risks of owning pet rats and release, I, the breeder, Aimee Sek (Once Upon a Mischief Rattery), of any liability associated with owning pet rats.
On the date of Feb 2017 my rattery tested negative for Sendai and Seoul Hantavirus, through Forestville Animal Hospital and Idexx Labs. I have brought new rats into my home since then from respected and well-known established breeders, who have not had any health issues. I have no concern over health issues. At this current time to the best of my ability I ensure all of my rats are free from health issues.
I do my very best to ensure the health and safety of all my animals. I do have a proper quarantine system in place for all new animals coming into my home, though quarantine may not catch some viruses as the animal will not show symptoms. I do not visit pet stores that sell rats. I do not handle wild animals and my home is pest free.
The nature of these viruses and the ease in which they can be spread just from the environment, clothing, being in an area that has wild rodents, etc… means that I can not guarantee that at any moment my rats have not been infected though. And you must understand the risk that they can easily become infected through these methods by you and your family as well.
Below is a list of the zoonosis diseases and the symptoms that may be carried by pet rats.
Seoul Strain of Hantavirus
Seoul Virus is a type of hantavirus commonly associated with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Symptoms appear with one to two weeks and in rare cases up to 8 weeks.
Symptoms include:
Intense Headaches
Back and Abdominal Pain
Blurred Vision
Later symptoms include low blood pressure, acute shock, vascular leakage, and acute renal failure. In rare cases, it can be fatal.
Seoul Virus is transmitted through the feces, urine and saliva. The most common transmission happens when feces, urine, or saliva is dried into dust, the dust particles fly up and we breathe them in. Seoul Virus cannot be spread from person to person or person to rat.
To prevent infection, wear a mask and gloves when cleaning cages, do not use a vacuum or sweep dust particles into the air, spray down any bedding before moving it, wash your hands before and after handling your rat.
Rat Bite Fever (Streptobacillus moniliformis)
Rat Bite Fever or Streptobacillus moniliformis is an infectious bacteria. Contrary to its name, Rat Bite Fever is found in more than just rats: mice, hamsters and gerbils can also carry it. Symptoms appear within 3-10 days of infection but can take up to three weeks.
Symptoms include:
Muscle pain
Joint pain
In rare cases without treatment, rat bite fever can be fatal.
RBF is transmitted through a scratch or bite from a rodent, handling rodents with the disease, even if they do not bite or scratch you, and through ingesting food and water contaminated with rodent feces. It is not transmitted from person to person.
To prevent RBF, regularly wash your hands, wear protective gloves when washing cages and avoid putting your hands in your mouth when handling your rats and cleaning their cages.
Salmnellosis or salmonella is a common disease which most people associate with undercooked chicken. All common pets can carry salmonella in their digestive tract including: dogs, cats, rats, mice, rabbits, lizards and snakes. Salmonella infection can occur in humans and the animals.
Symptoms for humans include:
Abdominal Pain
For the immune-compromised, the symptoms can be life threatening
. Symptoms are rare in small animals but include diarrhea that contains mucus
or blood, lethargy, and they may vomit or have a fever. Prevention of transmission to humans includes making sure you buy animals that appear healthy, animals with severe diarrhea should be avoided. They should be bright eyed and an active. Always wash hands after handling an animal and avoid eating or drinking around your pets. If you do become infected, rarely is hospitalization required, the treatment is just lots of fluids while the bacteria moves out of your systems. Symptoms should fade within 5-7 days.
Leptospirosis is a bacteria called leptospiria.
Symptoms include:
High fever
Muscle aches
Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes)
Red eyes
Abdominal pain
Some infected people never show symptoms. They will become sick between 2 days to 4 weeks after exposure. If the first symptoms progress a person may experience kidney or liver failure or meningitis. The second part of the infection is called Weil’s disease.
People can become infected with leptospirosis through contact with urine or other bodily fluids
(not saliva through) and through contact with water, soil or food contaminated with urine of infected animals.
Prevention of transmission includes avoiding urine of infected animals, wash your hands after handling, do not eat or drink around your pets. Be sure to vaccinate your pets against leptospirosis as well.
You agree to the risk associated with pet rats both listed above and those not listed and hereby will release Aimee Sek (Once Upon a Mischief rattery) from any and all liability of owning a pet rat.