Adoption Request

How to adopt rats from me
You must be over the age of 18
Fill out the application fully and completely. The #1 reason people are denied is they leave answers that clearly state to answer blank or with missing info
You MUST KNOW of a vet that will treat rats, not all vets will treat rats so actually call and ask - I will check.
First the best chance of adopting from me is to simply follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/onceuponamischief/
Or you can check my website often to see if I have a litter born. You can check on my availability page and upcoming litters page for a time frame or what is available soon.
Once I have a litter born, when the babies are old enough, I will post on facebook and my availability page that they are looking for homes soon. You may then fill out an adoption application. Just send me a message
My adoption application is long and detailed so I can make sure you know how to care for a pet rat and that you would make a good home for my babies. I love my rats and as a responsible breeder, it is most important to me to find them the best homes possible.
I expect those wanting to apply to already know what cage they want to use, what food they will be feeding and what bedding they plan to use and know of a vet that will treat rats in case of an emergency. How do you know if a rat would be a suitable pet for you and your home if you have not done this research first? All of this info is found on my website! And I am more than happy to answer questions.
You do not have to already own a cage but you will need to show proof of a cage or of a purchased cage before you can be approved. If you know you want rats I suggest buying the cage ahead of time anyways. Its ok to let it sit empty while you wait for rats :) But please if the cage is not on my approved cage list, double check with me before buying or I may not approve it.
You may not fill out my adoption application ahead of time. It only opens up when I have a litter and when they become close in age to going home. This is after I have chosen my keepers and I know which babies will be available.
You MUST adopt two rats of the same sex.
I will reply to you with a definite answer as soon as I can.
If you have any questions, be sure to send me a message